Take Advantage of Broadcasting Technology

live broadcast broadcasting stream

One of the biggest changes over the past fifteen years is that we have all become mini cable channels. From almost anywhere in the world, we can each film a live video, with tens to thousands of viewers. In fact, thousands of people are broadcasting live videos as you read this blog post. If we weren’t able to attend an event or a big moment of someone’s life, the preference list went something like this, starting with the best-case scenario.

  1. Listen on speakerphone, though this was an expensive option.
  2. Watch the video from the event.
  3. Look at a couple of photographs that were developed.
  4. Hear how it was after the event and imagine it in your mind.

Of course, points two, three, and four are still incredibly valuable today, as that is what we take with us after events, but during? The fact that someone who unfortunately couldn’t make the wedding can sit in the comfort of their own home and watch it live is unbelievable. Facebook, YouTube, and others have made that possible for us.

About 10 years ago, Video Eden saw the potential, along with the problems. The problem with filming it amateurly on your own is twofold. The first problem is that even with the technical evolution that has taken place, there is still the possibility of having issues while trying to film at an event with many people in a crowded area (can lead to bad reception).

The other, more obvious problem, is that if your loved ones can’t attend the event, you want to give them the best possible experience. A professional videographer broadcasting your live event can upgrade the viewer experience on many levels. To take an example from the sports world, compare videos taken by fans and videos that have been broadcast on professional networks like FOX and ESPN. It truly does not compare. I have watched friends’ kids get married on a random guest’s Zoom feed, and it can be very tough to hear, let alone see, anything well. That is not a knock on the videographer, just a reality of the importance of using the best tools out there.

To summarize, take advantage of the new technology, and live stream your events. Just make sure to do it right.