Virtually There!


“Wow that wedding was so beautiful!”

“The bride’s dress was stunning.”

“It’s a shame I couldn’t be there.”

Which sentence is not like the others? With virtual streaming, you’ll never have to say the last one. You’ll be there from your computer at home and whether you choose to dress up or watch in your pajamas, you will never have to say you missed one of the big moments. Time zones will no longer be an issue and you save so much money on plane tickets! It’s true that irrespective of the current pandemic climate, more and more people are choosing to participate in events virtually for many reasons. A big factor is cost. Families and friends are spread out across the world and flights can sometimes be tricky, especially in popular event seasons such as the summer, and the big holidays and vacations. Traveling for an event or business meeting often requires taking off work and making many logistic arrangements. As much fun as a hotel room in Beijing for a few nights might be, now it seems to be more practical to conduct global meetings with a few clicks and minimal arrangement.

High quality live streaming and video conferencing can raise the event or meeting up a level and allow everyone to feel that they are present. No choppy internet to interrupt diligent note taking. No pausing and skipping just when the bride is about to walk down the aisle. A smooth stream can help you reach more people, and to ensure they have a good experience. Good results are especially important and with live streaming, the result is easier ways to conduct your life from within the comfort of your home.